Sunday, July 09, 2006

Any sort of cough can be treated with ginger.

Any sort of cough can be treated with ginger. Dry cough, which is due to Vata , responds well to the juice of raw ginger; productive cough, due to Kapha, is better treated with dry ginger and honey. Even shortness of breath, vomiting and giddiness, all due to vitiated Vata, can be conquered with ginger.

Ginger is good in every disease characterized by the accumulation of undigested or partially digested food, known in Ayurveda as Ama. Any Diarrhea or dysentery can be treated with ginger. There is a school of thought which suggests that an individual suffering from dysentery or Colitis follow a diet restricted to lassi , as prepared above with the substitution of / for raw ginger.

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