Tuesday, October 12, 2010

McDonald's recalled children's cups loaded with toxic cadmium

Earlier in the summer, McDonald's recalled 12 million promotional children's "Shrek" beverage glasses due to cadmium contamination, but the company insisted at the time that the glasses were not toxic. However recent regulatory reports have revealed that the glasses were highly toxic, and that a six-year-old who simply touches one eight times in a day is exposed to hazardous levels of the carcinogen.

Though they would not disclose actual levels of cadmium, regulators said that levels were high enough to warrant concern. And since cadmium is known to damage kidneys, lungs and bones -- especially in children -- the threat of even minimal exposure is problematic. Cadmium can also be found in paints, fertilizers, batteries and cigarettes, and is also known to cause cancer Read more...

Liver detoxification

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