Friday, December 15, 2006

The pH Miracle for Cancer Week 3

During Week 3 of our Thursday night teleseminar on the pH Miracle for Cancer we answered several questions on emotions and their impact on our health.

The following is an overview of those questons and answers.

1) What impact do your emotions have on preventing, causing or reversing cancerous tissue?

Emotions are energy in motion - "E" motion. NO "E" motion can take place without energy and when energy is being consumed acids are produced as a by-product.

Just like a car when it consumes gasoline for "E" motion, an acidic waste product is produced - carbon monoxide.

It is common knowledge that carbon monoxide is a toxic acid and if not eliminated through the exhaust system of the car the car would immediately shut down. And so it is with us.

Our thoughts, our "E"motions require energy and energy consumed produces metabolic acids. If acids from our thoughts are not eliminated through urination, perspiration, respiration or defication (our exhaust systems) they will make us sick, tired and cancerous.

Since you know that cancer is an acidic liquid you now know that you can cause cancerous tissue with your thoughts, or should we say your "E" motions.

When you are constantly in your thoughts - negative thoughts - they give rise to feelings like hatred, revenge or anger. These thought provoked negative feelings can lower the pH of your urine (the urine pH indicates tissue pH) by over 100 times.

This can cause the body to go into preservation mode 24/7, using up your alkaline buffering reserves. Once the alkaline reserves are used up the body goes into body wasting from all the acids.

Your body is being tenderized and fermented by your own acidic waste products generated from "E" motions.The "E" motion formula is as follows: thoughts = feelings or "E" motions = acids or negative thoughts = negative feelings or negative "E" motions = excessive acids which can effect the alkaline design of your body.

Your alkaline or healthy thoughts create less acid then your acidic or negative thoughts.If you want to stop the pain; if you want to stop the degeneration; if you want to stop the fermenting from your own acidic waste products you have to slow down or even stop the "e" motions, especially the negative "e" motions.

Your negative thoughts could be killing you. When you are continually in your thoughts you are having a "thought attack."

And "thought attacks" can lead to heart attacks and cancerous tissue.In the case with your thoughts or "E" motions, less is more and more is less.

To prevent or reverse cancerous tissue you must turn off the negative thoughts, the stories, the movies running in your head.

When you turn off the thoughts you reduce acidity, and when you reduce acidity you prevent or reverse sickness, disease and even cancerous tissue.

2) How do your thoughts impact the success for the treatment of cancerous tissue?

It has been said that out of 20 people diagnosed and treated for cancer, 90% of them will die from the fear of the cancer rather than the dis-ease. F.E.A.R. is an acronym that stands for, False Evidence Appearing Real.

Many of us live our lives in F.E.A.R. rather than in F.A.I.T.H. - the First Attribute IN Thoughtful Health. When your thoughts move away from F.E.A.R. and move towards F.A.I.T.H., your tissue alkalinity increases and your tissue acidity decreases making your treatments for cancerous tissue more effective.When you are living your life in F.A.I.T.H. you are living in the present, or in the NOW.

Living in the NOW is alkalizing, energizing and healthful.

YOU are not concerned with the past nor are you concerned with the future.

Living your life in the past or in the future is a F.E.A.R. based life and is highly acidic.

Living in the past or the future creates "e" motions that lead to the feelings of regret, worry, and anxiety that can make you more sick, tired and cancerous.

Your treatments for cancerous tissue will not be effective, or as effective when you are thinking in the past or future living in a state of "E" motions of F.E.A.R. rather than the "E" motions of F.A.I.T.H. - hope, love and charity.Cancerous tissue is not something we get.

It is something we do as a consequence of daily choice of what we eat, what we drink, what we THINK, and how we live. We either have an alkaline lifestyle and diet and enjoy a fit and healthy body, or we have an acidic lifestyle and diet and experience the aches, pains and suffering from metabolic acids.

3) Can you cause cancerous tissue with your thoughts?Absolutely! Our thoughts require energy and energy metabolized creates acid. If the acidic waste products from your thoughts are not eliminated through urination, perspriation, respiration or defication they will be absorbed into your tissues to protect and maintain the delicate pH of the blood at 7.365.

Acids absorbed into the tissues will burn, ferment, spoil and even rot any cell and tissue they come into contact with. Therefore, metabolic acids when absorbed into the tissues will cause cancerous tissues.

4) How does my personal relationship with friends, family and/or spouse prevent or cause cancerous tissue?

Eckhart Tolle had this to say about our thoughts which I believe can affect your personal relationships that in turn will either prevent or cause cancerous tissues:"The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not "the thinker"The moment you start watching the thinker, a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.

You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter- beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace, arise from beyond the mind..

You begin to awaken."I believe that this awakening comes through a process of making alkaline lifestyle and dietary choices. When you become more alkaline in your thoughts, words and deeds, you begin to reconnect to your true self - you are less acidic or less cancerous.
When you are reconnected physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually you will begin to awaken. When awake, your "e" motions turn to feelings of joy, hope, love and charity for self, and then for your neighbors, friends, family and spouse.

You realize that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience rather than a physical being have a spiritual experience. You are whole! You are alkaline! You are healthy! You are alive! You are a peaceful and loving SOL.Once again in closing, I would like to share with you my vision of medicine in the 21st century.

My vision of the relative purpose of medicine is to include prevention of illness and promotion of health and fitness rather than focusing all our attention on the diagnosis and treatment of disease. I believe the ultimate purpose of medicine is to help people discover something fundamental within themselves.

And that is the awareness that the true source of well-being, joy, and contentment that we all seek lies within one's mind and heart - the emotions and the spirit - not in the physical world. This is important so we can all begin to be freed from the process of grasping for happiness in this physical world.

To support this approach, I believe we must begin to embrace a more spiritual vision of ourselves and of humanity as a whole. While providing great love, care and attention to the physical body, medicine can then, and only then help people discover the nonphysical, spiritual dimensions of themselves.

When this happens, we can all live and work with less fear andstress, grasping to preserve the physical body at all costs - we can truly be free.

For more information on pH Miracle Living visit our website at: or read The pH Miracle Bookph Miracle Center

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